Help for the Elderly Homeless - People helping People
"Help 4 Homelessness Today"
*Partner with us and Sponsor to help an Elderly Homeless person today.
Nick & Ellen Diemel
In the USA, we are spending billions of dollars on keeping America safe from the enemy overseas and here at home. But the enemy that is already in our midst and in our Country, it is homelessness, poverty, malnutrition for the thousands of at-risk elderly folks living in their cars and out in the cold. There is no safety net to catch the poorest and weakest of our citizens today. Homelessness has almost doubled during the past ten years, and today many are the elderly folks.
Among the many thousands of homeless and poor folks are veterans, families with children and the growing number of the elderly. It is a shameful thing for the strongest and one of the wealthiest nations in the world, to not make more resources available to feed and house these poor elderly folks living out on the street and in their car and many in a small cold travel trailer.
"The greatness of a nation is measured by how it treats and takes care of its weakest and poorest members." Let us all work together towards turning this epidemic around by helping wherever we can, with our hearts, our time and our resources.
I believe we all can do more towards this growing epidemic in our great country. Let us each search our heart and see what more we each can do for our country and our many poor. Many cities and organizations across this nation have already done much and are working hard towards a solution helping and raising awareness and raising funds to help the homeless.
"Our mission is to help the Elderly Homeless folks."
Ellen and I have created this web-site to raise awareness and to secure resources to help the Elderly homeless off the street and into a warm and safe place to live.
We are still in the beginning stages and looking for partners and board members to build a formidable group of like-minded and caring people to join us in this venture.
We live on the coast of Oregon and travel the coast highway from Washington state, through Oregon into the California coastal areas, and we see many elderly homeless.
Our dream is to expand this idea and format of helping the Elderly Homeless in many more places as our organization grows and many more caring partners join us to move these elderly folks off the street and out of their camper and into a home.
Let us all work hard to give these homeless seniors their dignity, a warm place to live!
Small or large contributions will be a great blessing to those who have nothing .....
Thank you so much for caring! :o)
~ About us ~
Nick & Ellen Diemel
"Homeless 4 Elderly"
850 Lakeshore Drive
Port Orford, OR 97465 USA